Weekly Wisdom

Nurturing Faith Amidst Anxiety: A Strategic Path to Hope and Resilience

Uncategorized May 02, 2024

While doing some research recently, I did a quick internet search on fear and anxiety in the...

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“What I Know” v. “What I Do”

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2024

I have found that many leadership principles overlap with Christian principles. Sometimes, when I...

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I Drive A Better Nail These Days

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2024

Each year at Easter, the church I pastor presents a special program called "Journey to the...

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Repairing v. Rebelling: The Cost of Repairing Relationships

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2024

“The value of something does not depend on how much it is worth. It depends on how much...

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Repairing v. Rebelling: Stomping Plants and Slashing Tires

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2024

The lady planted a garden in her backyard, which started it all. It was a small plot with a few...

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How to Catch AIRE: The ‘Best’ Online Bible Study?

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2024

Michael Jordan was one of the greatest basketball players of all time. When he launched for the...

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Three Little Mice and Online Bible Studies?

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2024

In a small, dim corner of an unkempt kitchen in an abandoned cottage, there lived three little...

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Removing the Mask From the Thief: When a Leader Destroys a Flock

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2024

We’ve been looking at Jesus’ famous words in John 10:10, “The thief comes to...

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Removing The Mask From The Thief: Leading with a Slaughterhouse Vision

Uncategorized Feb 29, 2024

So far in this series, we have considered that Jesus’ memorable statement, “The thief...

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Removing The Mask From The Thief: Stealing The Sheep

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2024

Last week, I pointed out that the often quoted Scripture “the thief comes to steal, kill,...

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